Enjoy Natural Beef from a Family Ranch in Eastern Montana

Our Beef
Our cattle are raised on our ranch in eastern Montana. They are never fed antibiotics. They eat grass, grass and alfalfa hay, and corn. We like to feed our neighbors good beef raised right and processed right. Don’t forget, in eastern Montana, neighbors might live miles apart.
We decided to start making dog treats from meat that is still available after humans have picked what they want. Stay tuned for more as this project ramps up.
News and Articles
January 2023 Orders for Beef
Warm up with great steaks, roasts and beef soups this winter! Taking orders until the night of January 16th.
Natural Montana Beef Available!
Fill your freezer with local, ranch raised, all natural beef just in time for grilling season!
Local & Natural
Our cattle are raised in Eastern Montana, fed in Eastern Montana, and processed in Eastern Montana. When it comes to meat production, all that is best!
Since we know the people who will eat our beef, we don’t feed antibiotics, we don’t implant hormones.
Math was fun in school. Not in life.
We keep charges simple because we like everything to be straight forward. We pay basic processing costs and you pay on the pounds you receive.
You must buy your beef in advance of processing. Then it takes up to 3 weeks before it is ready. That wait is worth it!
You can pick it up at the processors. We also deliver to Glendive. No charge for delivery. Just a favor to our neighbors.