Want a freezer full of delicious, local, natural beef?
Think about all the wonderful grilled beef that you, your family and friends could enjoy!
We have have finished 2 steers to sell. They are available to purchase in halves, quarters, or whole steers until April 24th or we run out which ever comes first. NOT available after that. We expect to deliver the week of the 25th of April. Probably later in the week, maybe early the next.

Prices for quarters or bigger are $7.50 per pound of cut and wrapped meat. We’ll weigh the meat at the processors. Steers vary in size; that is unavoidable. My rule of thumb is that usually a quarter will weigh about 90 pounds. We pay basic processing. You just pay us the $7.50 per pound. Compared to the price of steaks and roasts, heck even lean burger, in the store and you’ll see that’s a great deal.
You receive the selection of steaks, roasts, ground beef and other cuts you order. You’ll talk to our processor directly, on these steers it will be Craig’s Meats in Savage, and they will talk you through cutting instructions even if you have never done them before. That gives you the selection of steaks, roasts, ground beef and other cuts you want.
Want to order? Or ask questions? Fill out this form to email or Message me from my Facebook profile. It’s really handy to be able to text or Message as I’m delivering so hopefully you won’t mind giving me that information at some point.