Aus Ranch is a small horse and cattle ranch in rugged eastern Montana. Nestled in the eastern Montana badlands, the ranch is stunning. It is also very rough. Much cannot be reached in a pickup. Those features appealed to Merle Aus who preferred to do things horseback anyway. He had also learned hard lessons about ranches without natural livestock protection from the brutal storms we get on the Great Plains.
Merle and his wife Rose Marie purchased this ranch in 1969. Their then very young daughter, Kristin, grew up here. She spent her younger years on horseback in these hills. After years away, she and her horses moved back in 2000 to continue the family tradition of raising very good horses and excellent beef.
Because this ranch is so rough, it’s hard work for cattle to graze. Compared to flatter country with richer soil, Longhorn cattle are ideally suited to this ranch. They are hardy and willing to travel in rough country for feed and water.

Fortunately, Longhorns also make great steaks and roasts and hamburger! The meat is lean, tender and flavorful. We add a little Angus to increase muscle mass and fleshing ability. Most people would point to the fact that Angus are polled as another advantage. But we love horns on cows – mostly because coyotes don’t.
We will post on here as we have the dates we will have beef available. Keep an eye out and sign up for our newsletter!